Principal's Message
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Warm Greetings
It is indeed my privilege to be the Principal of Nosegay Public School, an institution that imparts a world class education to students with all modern tools and techniques. Imagine global education at your doorsteps in Dineshpur! What does it mean for your child?
The challenge of tomorrow’s world involves complex issues like energy, environment, economics and quality. It has therefore become necessary that children improve with extraordinary skills ensuring that they can embrace interconnected concepts, think independently, work collaboratively, act decisively, communicate impressively and influence positively.
In keeping with the views, the NPS provides an interactive platform to all the learners for meaningful discussions with their peers so that they can learn by sharing their Experience. NPS also provide continuous opportunities for enhancement of skills in different fields including music, arts, sports, and theatre.
As a wise man said, “Education Is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of fire.” We look forward to lighting the Fire in our children that leads them on to wisdom and truth for the greater good of humankind.
Principal Nosegay Public School